ThreadSpecs3 ™
Supported Profiles
Accommodation for Coating
This software shows adjustments to product thread dimensions to accommodate coatings of specified thickness.
- These adjustments are based on the geometry of the thread profile.
- If the user enters minimum and maximum thicknesses, the maximum is used to adjust the maximum material dimensions, and the minimum
is applied to the minimum material dimensions.
- If the user only specifies a minimum/nominal thickness, the program automatically assumes a tolerance of +50% and sets the
maximum thickness accordingly.
- The user is expected to understand the variations in thickness that occur in practice.
- Gage dimensions are based on the adjusted product dimensions and otherwise follow the rules for the applicable standard.
The user is expected to determine if this is actually appropriate for a particular application.
- This software currently does not provide coating-related specifications for tapered pipe threads
or STI (internal) threads.
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